Turandot Project and Marco Polo Project


Ciels’ Italian language course lasts from 10 to 12 months, includes 800 hours of face-to-face lessons and 200 hours of cultural activities, seminars, workshops, and cultural visits, and is delivered by teachers who are experts in teaching Italian to foreign students, in particular Chinese students.
The course meets the levels required by the Council of Europe’s Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and aims to adequately prepare students for the most important certification exams recognised in Italy. The course enables students to take the B1/B2 level Italian language proficiency examination for foreigners.

During the Turandot course, in itinere tests are scheduled to assess the student’s learning process.
The level reached will allow the student to continue studies in Italy at a previously chosen university institution.
At the end of the course, a final certificate of attendance is issued. Issuance is subject to the minimum compulsory attendance rate of 75% of the lessons.

Period 10 months, up to 11 or 12
Timetable 60 minutes of lectures, Monday to Friday, from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm for a maximum of 5 hours of lectures per day. .The class timetable is sent to students by e-mail 15 days before the start of the course
Professors Specialized lecturers, in particular those specialized in teaching Italian to Chinese learners.
Programme 800h of frontal lessons and 200h of cultural activities, seminars, workshops, cultural trips.
Aim of this course The course enables students to take the B1/B2 level Italian language proficiency examination for foreigners:
– comprehension of the essential points of clear messages in standard language on familiar topics
– production of simple, coherent texts
– description of experiences and events, opinions and projects.
Frontal lessons.800 hours The programme is organised in teaching units. From each unit

the student can access a series of tools
of language study.

Contents LEVEL B1
– Oral Production
– Written and oral comprehension
– Written production
– Grammar
– Lexicon

Content LEVEL B2
– Oral Production
– Written and oral comprehension
– Written Production
– Grammar
– Lexicon

Cultural Activities.200 hours Part of the course involves the student in cultural activities, seminars, workshops and cultural trips.
Workshop Part of the course involves the student in cultural activities, seminars, workshops and cultural trips.
Learning.Assessment There are bi-monthly in-progress tests to assess.the student’s learning process .
Attendance Students are required to countersign the class attendance register each day.
Certification A final certificate of attendance is issued to the student subject to the achievement of the minimum percentage. of compulsory attendance of 75% of the lessons


Why choose Italy?

The home of Western history, the birthplace of the greatest artists from the Renaissance to modern art, the birthplace of world-famous opera, Italy is synonymous with art, culture and music.

Every place speaks. It tells of its past, how it has been transformed over time, transmitting unique emotions that characterise the Italian territories, from the best known to the hidden gems

Spending time in Italy is an opportunity to breathe in the artistic and cultural spirit and fully experience new emotions that feed one’s creativity.


Why choose Padua

Padua was among the first cities in the world, after Bologna, to open a university. Padua is a city rich in history and culture.

It has seen the presence of several writers and artists such as Giotto. Thanks to its affreschi and several other fine paintings by other authors of the period, in 2021 it was also recognised worldwide in its importance by becoming a Unesco heritage site.

With a long academic tradition, Padua welcomes university students from all over the world every year, offering a wide cultural liveliness and many student-friendly services.

Due to its strategic location, Padua is close to Venice and its lagoon and provides easy access to cities such as Milan, Turin, Trieste and Trento.


Due to its strategic location, Padua is close to Venice and its lagoon and provides easy access to cities such as Milan, Turin, Trieste and Trento.

Bologna is the first city in the world where the university was born, which has always made it a city that values its students.

Bologna has always had a passion and interest in music, counting several institutions such as the International Museum and Library of Music, which allowed it to become a UNESCO “Creative City of Music” in 2006.

Hosting high numbers of university students each year, Bologna offers a variety of cultural events and activities in addition to various services.

Also favourably located for visiting the Belpaese, it is within easy reach of cities such as Florence, Perugia or Rome.


Why Ciels Campus?

Ciels, with over 18,000 square metres of available space and with schools in Padua, Brescia and Bologna, is the largest university-regulated Socio-cultural Language Mediation Campus in Italy. Following the Ministerial Decree of 12/03/2010 recognising it as a university-regulated institute, Ciels offers specialised training in various fields, with the added benefit of learning at least two foreign languages.

To meet the demands of an increasingly specialised and competitive market, since 2010 at Ciels Campus 7 specialisation courses have been added to the Bachelor’s degree course and 4 to the Master’s degree course.

The degrees are legally recognised by the Ministry of University and Research.


Teaching programme
Ciels teaching is aimed at preparing students for the current and future world of work, with continuously updated study programmes.
The Italian language and culture course aims to adequately prepare students for the most important certification examinations recognised in Italy.
It is structured for learning written and oral comprehension, written and oral production, vocabulary and grammar, as well as concepts of the culture, history and economy of our country.
 The Ciels experience In addition to lectures, Ciels Campus offers its students a calendar full of cultural and theme-based activities:

  • conferences
  • seminars
  • conferences
  • cultural trips
  • multiple workshops.

All of this enriches and enhances the course through discussions with professionals and experts and the putting into practice of the study with in-depth workshops, right up to the internship.

Our proposals

The Turandot course can be chosen by Chinese students either individually, in order to acquire language skills and related PLIDA certification, or in combination with a three-year Bachelor’s degree course in the arts or music.


Cost Turandot course of Italian language and culture alone is €5,800


With Ciels Campus you can pursue your education in Italy:in addition to learning the Italian language and culture, studying at Ciels Campus gives you the opportunity to directly access Rome University of Fine Arts and the Saint Louis College of Music, with campuses in Rome and Milan.

Ciels, RUFA and Saint Louis belong to Plena Education, the Italian hub of creativity and communication, which through its affiliated institutions includes different types of education: from arts, fashion, design, music, to strategic and visual communication.


Cost of Turandot Italian language and culture course + pre-enrolment in one of the academies Rome University of Fine Arts or Saint Louis College of Music 6.300€


Turandot course calendar
Ammissione in Cina.al corso di lingua Turandot Da giugno ad agosto
Data inizio corso Turandot Primo lunedì di novembre
Data fine corso Turandot 31 agosto
Sessione di test PLIDA (livello di lingua) – settembre – novembre – febbraio – marzo – maggio – giugno


If at the end of the Italian language course at Ciels, as part of the Turandot programme, the student does not reach B1 level, they will have to attend a supplementary course offered by Ciels at the RUFA and Saint Louis campuses, subject to payment and lasting six months.



Rome and Milan

RUFA is an international and multidisciplinary academy offering accredited and innovative courses in the fields of Fine Arts, Design, Visual Communication, Audiovisual, Fashion, Gaming and Multimedia Arts. All RUFA initiatives, from workshops to exhibitions, are designed to prepare students for their professional future.


EDUCATIONAL OFFER Bachelor of Arts / 1st Level Academic Courses equivalent to degree courses recognised by the Ministry of University and Research

  • Painting ITA @Roma

  • Sculpture and Installation ITA @Rome

  • Graphic Design ITA @Rome

  • GD-Comics and Illustration ITA @Rome

  • Design ITA @Rome – ITA @Milan

  • Sustainable Fashion Design ITA @Rome

  • Cinema ITA @Rome – ITA @Milan

  • Photography and Audiovisual ITA @Rome

  • Multimedia and game art ITA @Rome

  • Set Design ITA @Rome

Discover on the unirufa.it website the complete range of courses offered at the Rome campus, 2nd level academic diplomas and Master’s degrees.The RUFA admission test consists of a logic-aptitude test (60 questionsin 50 minutes, of which 20 are cultural questions related to the chosen course – computer-based version in Italian or English) + motivational interview.


Calendar and costs
Pre-admission to academic courses in China by motivational interview in Chinese July or September 2024
Pre-admission fee
(including motivational interview in China + one-week masterclass in Milan + admission test + facilitated course registration)
€ 1.200,00
One-week masterclass with RUFA Milan test preparation April/May
Admission test for Academic Courses The fourth and fifth admission sessions are recommended for Chinese students on the following dates:
– 4th session: September 11th/12th, 2025
– Registration deadline September 8th
– 5th session: September 2nd/3rd, 2025
– Registration deadline October 29th Sono comunque previste altre sessioni di prove di ammissione.
Consulta il calendario completo qui
Enrollment with annual cost of.the first year reserved € 10.800,00
Beginning of Bachelor’s degree courses End of October 2025



Rome and Milan Founded in 1976, Saint Louis is one of the most renowned music schools in Europe, attended by over 1,800 students a year from all over the world.

The school can rely on a permanent teaching staff of 120 nationally and internationally renowned professors. The educational offer is one of the most extensive in Europe, with over 360 courses.

Bachelor of Music / 1st Level Academic Courses equivalent to degree courses recognised by the Ministry of University and Research

  • Sound Technician @Milan/Rome

  • Electronic music @Milan/Rome

  • Applied music @Milan/Rome

  • Composition @Milan/Rome

  • Jazz @Rome

  • Popular Music @Rome

  • Songwriting @Rome

Admission to Saint Louis courses requires a basic preparation that will enable the student to successfully follow the academic courses. Therefore, the admission test, based on the level of skills demonstrated, allows access either to the foundation courses, specifically created to expand knowledge, or directly to the 1st level academic course.

All Saint Louis courses are available in both Italian and English, according to the student’s preference

Discover on the saintlouis.eu website the complete educational offer, including the courses provided at the Rome headquarters and the 2nd level academic diplomas.


1-year foundation courses • Sound technician @Milano/Roma
• Electronic music @Milano/Roma
• Applied music @Milano/Roma
• Composition @Milano/Roma
1 or 2-year foundation courses.depending on your entry level. • Jazz @Roma
• Popular Music @Roma
• Song-writing @Roma


During Turandot course at Ciels, a preparation programme is provided for the admission tests in which the student, also individually, is constantly supervised

Admission to the Saint Louis courses consists of an ensemble test, an instrument or singing technical test, a harmony and ear-traning test, an aptitude test and a motivational interview.

Admission to the electronic music and sound technician courses at Saint Louis consists of a written and oral test on elements of phonics and acoustic physics, a live electronics practical test, a harmony test, a complementary piano test, an aptitude test and a motivational interview.

Admission to the Saint Louis composition and applied music courses consists of a piano composition test, a computer virtual orchestration test, a harmony and complementary piano test, an aptitude test and a motivational interview.


If the student decides to attend Saint Louis, they can take the pre-admission exam according to the schedule and costs indicated in the following table.

Calendar and costs
Pre-admission in China for foundation courses .
or online academic courses in Chinese
End of June or beginning of September 2024
Pre-admission fee € 2.000,00
Preparing for the entrance exam
.in Saint Louis
Admission Test for Academic Courses – End of June 2025
– Beginning of September 2025
Registration for Foundation Courses.
annual cost of the first reserved year
€ 5,800.00
Foundation Courses Start Date End of September 2025
Registration for 1st Level Academic Courses
.cost of the first year reserved
€ 6.400,00
Start date for 1st Level Academic Courses End of September 2025


Ciels services


The student can take the PLIDA exam (Dante Alighieri Italian Language Project) at Ciels locations, as certification centers. The PLIDA exam is mandatory to continue studies in Italy and is organized during the period of the Italian language course.



Students who wish can purchase teaching materials at the Ciels Campus bookstore in Padua and have them delivered to their place of study. Additional teaching materials are provided by teachers during lessons and made available online.



Before starting the course, students are invited to a welcome day, during which the Ciels Campus staff welcomes them, the teaching programs are illustrated, the services available to the student and a visit to the facility is carried out.



During the entire period, Ciels students who study Chinese language, support foreign students to help them integrate as much as possible, accompanying them to events, conferences and seminars, and organizing dedicated language tandems.



Dedicated Chinese and Italian language tutors are available to the student, for assistance with teaching and living in Italy. There are also computer and language laboratories, a library, a bookshop, study rooms, a bar and a canteen.



Students have the opportunity to live immersed in a university atmosphere, dynamic, collaborative and stimulating. Students can also choose to attend the courses offered by the university at discounted rates. .


Contact us
For more information about the course, you can contact Dr. Veronica Piovan (languages: English-Italian), by filling out the form here.Our offices are available for open days and online orientation meetings via the Zoom platform.