

General Coordination
Dr. Denise Abi Tayeh
In charge of coordinating all educational activities for all CIELS schools.

General Administration Office
Dr. Carlotta Gelmini
Manages registrations, enrolments, transfer practices, withdrawal from studies, study scholarships. Administration office for any application submitted by students requiring the payment of a contribution accompanied by a payment receipt.

Language Course Coordination and Tutoring – Bachelor’s degree course (L-12)
Dr. Giulia De Maio
Tutoring, planning and management of all the teaching activities of Language Teaching.

Coordination and Tutoring of Teaching and Related Workshop Activities – Bachelor’s degree course (L-12)
Dr. Gian Marco Murru
Tutoring, planning and management of all the teaching activities of Lectures and Related Workshop Activities.

Coordination and Tutoring – Master’s Degree Course (LM-94)
Dr. Chiara Menorello
Tutoring, planning and management of all the teaching activities of the Master’s Degree Course.

Specialization and Higher Education
Dr. Chiara Menorello
Tutoring, programming and management of all the didactic activities of the Specialisation and Higher Education.

Degree Office
Dr. Denise Abi Tayeh
Organization and management of all documentation and activities for Bachelor’s and Master’s degree course dissertations.

Internship Office
Dr. Carlotta Gelmini
Management and monitoring of all documentation relating to traineeship activities.

SLD and Inclusion Office
Dr. Claudia Caburlotto
Management and support for all SLD activities.

Erasmus and International Relations Office
Dr. Veronica Piovan
Management of all documentation and forms relating to Erasmus+ projects for study and Erasmus Placement

Communication & Marketing Office
Dr. Chiara Tietto and Dr. Filippo Catelani
Management of all the contents of CIELS communication channels.

Orientation Office
Dr. Andrea Oliveri
Head of CIELS Orientation Services
Dr. Edoardo Conti
Orientation Office
Management of all orientation activities and practices.

Administrative Office
Michela Ferretti – Simone Fabbian
Management of all administrative activities and practices.

Personnel Office
Dr. Alessandro De Oliveira
Management of all the activities and administrative practices of employees and teaching staff.

Mirabela Bejan
Management of all library and bookshop activities


General Coordination
Dr. Denise Abi Tayeh
In charge of coordinating all educational activities for all CIELS schools.

General Administration Office
Mariagrazia Zinna
Management of matriculations, enrolments, transfer practices, renunciation of studies, study grants. Administration office for any application submitted by students requiring the payment of a contribution accompanied by a payment receipt.

Language Teaching Coordination and Tutoring – Bachelor’s degree course (L-12)
Dr. Samantha Guatta
Tutoring, planning and management of all the teaching activities of Language Teaching.

Coordination and Tutoring of Teaching and Related Laboratory Activities – Bachelor’s degree course (L-12)
Dr. Chiara Boninsegna
Tutoring, planning and management of all the teaching activities of Lectures and Related Workshop Activities.

Coordination and Tutoring – Master’s Degree Course (LM-94)
Dr. Samantha Guatta
Tutoring, planning and management of all the teaching activities of the Master’s Degree Course.

Specialization and Higher Education
Dr. Chiara Menorello and Dr. Samantha Guatta
Tutoring, programming and management of all the didactic activities of the Specialisation and Higher Education.

Degree Office
Dr. Samantha Guatta
Programming and management of all documentation and activities for Bachelor’s and Master’s degree course dissertations.

Internship Office
Dr. Chiara Boninsegna
Management and monitoring of all documentation relating to internship activities.


SLD and Inclusion Office
Dr. Claudia Caburlotto
Management and support for all inclusion and SLD activities.

Erasmus and International Relations Office
Dr. Veronica Piovan
Management of all documentation and forms relating to Erasmus+ projects for study and Erasmus Placement

Communication & Marketing Office
Dr. Chiara Tietto and Dr. Filippo Catelani
Management of all the contents of CIELS communication channels.

Orientation Office
Dr. Andrea Oliveri
Head of CIELS Orientation Services
Dr. Edoardo Conti
Orientation Office
Management of all orientation activities and practices.

Administrative Office
Michela Ferretti – Simone Fabbian
Management of all administrative activities and practices.

Personnel Office
Dr. Alessandro De Oliveira
Management of all administrative activities and practices of employees and teaching staff.


General Coordination
Dr. Denise Abi Tayeh
In charge of coordinating all educational activities for all CIELS schools.

General Administration Office
Dr. Raquel Carballo
Management of registrations, enrolments, transfer practices, renunciation of studies, scholarships. Administration office for any application submitted by students requiring the payment of a contribution accompanied by a payment receipt.

Language Teaching Coordination and Tutoring – Bachelor’s degree course (L-12)
Dr. Sonia Giannandrea
Tutoring, planning and management of all the teaching activities of Language Teaching.

Coordination and Tutoring of Teaching and Related Laboratory Activities – Bachelor’s degree course (L-12)
Dr. Lucia Doglio
Tutoring, planning and management of all the teaching activities of Lectures and Related Workshop Activities.

Specialisation and Higher Education
Dr. Chiara Menorello
Tutoring, programming and management of all the didactic activities of Specialisation and Higher Education.

Degree Office
Dr. Sonia Giannandrea
Scheduling and management of all documentation and activities for Bachelor’s and Master’s degree course dissertations.

Traineeships Office
Dr. Lucia Doglio
Management and monitoring of all documentation relating to internship activities.

SLD and Inclusion Office
Dr. Claudia Caburlotto
Management and support for all inclusion and SLD activities.

Erasmus and International Relations Office
Dr. Veronica Piovan
Management of all documentation and forms relating to Erasmus+ projects for study and Erasmus Placement

Communication & Marketing Office
Dr. Chiara Tietto and Dr. Filippo Catelani
Management of all the contents of the CIELS communication channels.

Orientation Office
Dr. Andrea Oliveri
Head of CIELS Orientation Services
Dr. Edoardo Conti
Orientation Office
Management of all orientation activities and practices.

Administrative Office
Michela Ferretti – Simone Fabbian
Management of all administrative activities and practices.

Personnel Office
Dr. Alessandro De Oliveira
Management of all administrative activities and practices of employees and teaching staff.