Outgoing students

Scholarships will be awarded to students selected on the basis of the merit rankings prepared by the academic directors and the amount of funding received from the National LLP Agency. Both the terms “scholarship” and “exchange place” will be mentioned below. The exchange place becomes a scholarship only after the community contribution has been actually obtained and on the basis of the general merit ranking.

Duration of the scholarship
The duration of the scholarship is established by the academic directors and cannot be changed by the scholarship holder. The period in which to benefit from the scholarship cannot be decided by the student, but is predetermined by the director, in relation to the agreements made with other European universities.

A stay of less than 3 months is not possible for work placements and 5 months for study. Students who interrupt their stay abroad early are required to reimburse the sums received; the clause does not apply to students who are unable to complete their study programme abroad due to force majeure or extenuating circumstances certified by the ERASMUS+ coordinator and recognised in writing by the National Agency.

The number of Erasmus+ scholarships
Depending on the amount of EU funding, all or some of the students who win the exchange place will be able to benefit from a scholarship. The amount of the scholarship for the 2016-2017 academic year, for example, was €230 per month for countries in band 2, with the exception of Norway, which provides a monthly contribution of €280.

The scholarship is only an additional contribution intended to cover expenses that students would not have incurred if they had remained at their home university and also entails the right to exemption from paying enrolment fees at the host university. Usually, 60% of the total amount to which the student is entitled is paid in the period January-February, while the remaining 40% is paid upon return to Italy and upon presentation of an official certificate of attendance.

Therefore, students who leave in the period September/October are usually required to advance the necessary sums.

Announcement and applications for admission
The announcement to participate in the Erasmus+ program is usually published twice a year: in March and September. If there are vacancies, those places are re-announced. Once the application has been made, the coordination draws up a ranking within about a month.

Who can participate in the selection
To participate in the Erasmus+ selection, it is necessary to have the following requirements:

  • Be enrolled in one of the three-year study courses offered by the CIELS School of Advanced Studies for Linguistic Mediators in a year after the first (second or third);
  • Have included in the study plan, or undertake to include in the current academic year’s study plan, the courses that you intend to take at the foreign university, within the established deadlines;
  • Proceed, within the established deadlines, to renew the enrollment for the following academic year or, only in the case in which the study activity to be carried out abroad consists solely in the preparation of the final thesis, submit before departure the application for the Degree to be taken within the extraordinary session of the current academic year;
  • Accept the rule that does not allow the Erasmus+ student to obtain the final qualification before the end of the study period abroad;
  • Not having benefited, in previous years, from the Erasmus student status.
  • Be a citizen of one of the 27 Member States of the European Union (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom), the three countries of the European Economic Area (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway), the country that has applied for membership (Turkey), the new countries since 2010 (Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia1) or be a citizen of other countries, provided that they are permanent residents or registered as stateless persons or enjoy refugee status in Italy (Circular of 27 February 2007 and subsequent amendments). In particular, foreign citizens who possess each of the requirements necessary to obtain a residence permit (art. 9 Legislative Decree 25 July 1998 n. 286, amended by Law 30 July 2002, n. 189) must be considered “permanent residents”, and therefore: regularly residing in the territory of the State for at least 5 years; holders of a residence permit for a reason that allows an indeterminate number of renewals; who demonstrate that they have sufficient income for support;
  • With the 2010 Call, candidates from Croatia and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia are also allowed to participate in some actions (see details on the Call itself, and further information). However, please note that for this year, individual mobility from other countries participating in the Lifelong Learning Programme to Croatia and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia cannot be financed with funds from the Programme. Furthermore, these countries cannot participate in Comenius Regio partnerships – spouse or minor child or parent living with an Italian citizen or citizen of a European Union State resident in Italy. To this end, students who declare to be “permanent residents” must attach to the application form a copy of the documentation relating to the residence card or residence permit in force and, possibly, valid for the entire period of the internship abroad.

Students with foreign citizenship who intend to participate in the Program in the country of which they are nationals, if they are awarded a place, must:

  • obtain clearance from the University where they intend to go
  • Have sufficient knowledge of the language of the host country. This knowledge can be demonstrated by attaching one of the following documents to the application:
    • Certificate attesting to having passed one of the official language proficiency exams;
    • Self-certification attesting the level of knowledge of the foreign language. Alternatively, a certificate of knowledge of the English language or another language may be presented.


  • students who have already benefited from an Erasmus grant in previous years;
  • students enrolled in the first year of a three-year or single-cycle master’s degree course;
  • students who have renounced an Erasmus grant in previous years without a justified reason;
  • students who are unable to demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the language of the host country.

Filling out the application form and documents
In the form, available at the Erasmus Office or downloadable from the platform (moodle), the candidate must provide all the requested data, enter an individual study plan complete with the year of enrollment and attach a self-certification in lieu of the enrollment certificate indicating the exams taken, the level of linguistic knowledge, the reason and any certificate of linguistic knowledge. Candidate selection criteria: The teacher proposing the mobility will draw up the lists of suitable candidates, taking into account:

  • the appropriateness of the proposed activity with the candidate’s academic career, with the educational offer of the host institution, with the linguistic knowledge and with the motivations given by the candidate;
  • the relationship between the year of enrollment, the number of exams passed and the relative grade;
  • the student’s motivation.

Selection calendar
Applications may be delivered in person to the Erasmus Office or sent by fax (preferably) or by post and must reach the office no later than the established deadline, under penalty of inadmissibility. Both applications sent by post and by fax must be accompanied by a copy of a valid identity document.The list of students assigned LLP/ERASMUS mobility will be posted on the official notice board of the Institute of Linguistic Mediation “CIELS”. It will be the student’s responsibility to read the ranking. No personal, written or telephone communications will be made. The student who wins the LLP/Erasmus scholarship is required to type and fill out in every part the forms that will be provided in due time:

  • Scholarship Acceptance
  • Application Form (of the University Institute of Linguistic Mediation “CIELS” and/or of the foreign University or Institution where the internship is to be carried out, if expressly requested)
  • Learning Agreement (form relating to the study plan approved by the home and host institutions) signed by the Erasmus Manager by: 10 May 2013 for departures relating to the first semester. In the case of SMS or Training Agreement (form relating to the work program that the student intends to carry out and which will serve to guarantee prior approval of the work activity) signed by the Erasmus Manager by: … for departures relating to the first semester. In the case of SMP.

Recognition of exams taken abroad
An essential condition for benefiting from the Erasmus status and grant is that the study program (Learning Agreement) to be carried out abroad is approved by the Head of Education and the School of affiliation before the start of the study period at the foreign University.
At the end of the study period abroad, on the basis of the certification presented (see the attachment to the Learning Agreement), the Scientific Committee decides to recognize the training activities, attendance and exams taken abroad by reporting them with a name that refers to the disciplines contained in the scientific disciplinary sector of the course of study.

Study program abroad: learning agreement
During the period spent at the partner University, the Erasmus student is required to carry out the educational-scientific activity agreed (Learning Agreement) before departure with the Head of Education and approved by the School in which he/she is enrolled.

This agreement will list the courses that the student intends to successfully follow abroad together with the indication of the type of recognition that the exams passed will have within his/her study plan.

Selected students will be able to collect the Learning Agreement forms from the Erasmus Office of their university. They will be responsible for checking how many and which courses are available in the foreign university. The coordinator will be able to help and advise in the choice, but only after the candidate has presented ideas and documented proposals.