Open Lessons

Ciels Campus offers the possibility for interested students to attend real lessons to allow a more informed choice. Our aim is to let students discover first-hand what the curriculum they are going to choose will be like.

They will be able to learn more about how lectures work, the courses and the professors who will accompany students during their academic journey. In this way, future students will be able to realistically live the university experience.

Ciels Campus online Open Lessons are back! It’s your chance to attend real university lessons and so learn more about our educational offer.

From monday 8th to 12th April, you can attend our online lessons! A whole week of real cademic lessons where you can get to know the professors and learn more about our curricula of specialization to best choose your academic career.

Sign up at the link below:

Lezioni aperte Ciels Campus, dall’08 al 12 aprile