To get their degree, students must have acquired a total of 180 ECTs, including those relating the final examination (6 ECTs).

The final examination, which will verify the effective acquisition of written and oral language mediation skills, will consist of an essay in Italian or in one of the languages studied. It must be no less than 50.000 characters in length and relate to a course in which the student has taken one or more exams. The thesis will be of a (compilative nature?).

The supervisor of the final thesis will indicate, in agreement with the student, a co-supervisor.
The deadlines for the submission of the paper will be set every year.

The final examination for the degree, which involves the discussion of the paper, will be held in front of a committee and will take place in a single call at the end of each exam session.

Taking into account the marks obtained by the candidate in the profit exams and the result of the final examination, the Board will formulate a mark – expressed in one hundred and tenths, with the possibility of awarding the distinction of Honors.