Fees and contributions – Bachelor’s degree course A.A. 2024-25

Informativa modalità di pagamento del contributo studentesco unico annuale per il Corso di studi TriennaleA partire dall’A.A. 2023/2024 l’importo del contributo studentesco unico annuale è determinato in base al valore ISEE di appartenenza. Le informazioni in merito alle fasce ISEE, agli importi, alle scadenze di versamento e ulteriori specifiche sono in aggiornamento. In caso di necessità, contattare la segreteria della sede di interesse.

Il contributo studentesco unico annuale richiesto per l’A.A. 2024/2025 può essere versato:

  • single solution;
  • contributions in 3 payments;
  • deferred contributions in up to 10 payments.

The amount of the single annual student fee will be determined according to the ISEE value for subsidized benefits for the right to university study.

ISEE is the indicator that reflects the economic-patrimonial situation taking into account income, assets and the size of the household. The ISEE certificate can be requested electronically directly from INPS or a Tax Assistance Centre (“Centro di Assistenza Fiscale” – CAF) or other competent bodies, specifying that the ISEE is required for subsidized benefits for the right to university study. The time required to issue the ISEE varies up to 15 working days from the time the Dichiarazione Sostitutiva Unica (DSU) is submitted.

The table below shows the amount of the single annual student fee for each ISEE range:
ISEE range Single annual student fee amount

Income bandISEESingle annual student fee
INCOME BAND1from 0€ to 25,000€3.600,00€
INCOME BAND2from €25,001 to €35,0003.950,00€
INCOME BAND3from 35.001€ to 50.000€4.250,00€
INCOME BAND4 from 50,001€ to 65,000€4.550,00€
INCOME BAND5from 65,001€ to 80,000€5.100,00€
INCOME BAND6from €80,001 to €100,0005.900,00€
INCOME BAND7over 100,001€ 6.700,00€
Foreign students6.700,00€


First-year students - Academic Year 2024-25
INCOME BANDISEEAdministrative expensesFirst paymentSecond paymentThird payment
* Together with the delivery of the Registration Form.To be paid by 11/10/2024 To be paid by 10/01/2025 To be paid by 11/04/2025
INCOME BAND1 (€ 3.600,00) 516,00€1.000,00€1.050,00€ 1.050,00€
INCOME BAND2 (€ 3.950,00) 516,00€ 1.000,00€1.225,00€ 1.225,00€
INCOME BAND3 (€ 4.250,00) 516,00€ 1.000,00€1.375,00€ 1.375,00€
INCOME BAND4 (€ 4.550,00) 516,00€ 1.000,00€1.525,00€ 1.525,00€
INCOME BAND5 (€ 5.100,00) 516,00€1.000,00€1.800,00€ 1.800,00€
INCOME BAND6 (€ 5.900,00) 516,00€1.000,00€2.200,00€ 2.200,00€
INCOME BAND7 (€ 6.700,00)516,00€ 1.000,00€2.600,00€ 2.600,00€
Foreign students516,00€ 1.000,00€2.600,00€ 2.600,00€
First-year students - Academic Year 2024-25
INCOME BAND ISEEFirst payment Second paymentThird paymentFourth payment
To be paid by 10/09/2024 To be paid by 11/10/2024 To be paid by 10/01/2025 Da versare entro il 11/04/2025
INCOME BAND1 (€ 3.600,00)500,00€ 1.000,00€ 1.050,00€ 1.050,00€
INCOME BAND2 (€ 3.900,00) 500,00€ 1.000,00€ 1.200,00€1.200,00€
INCOME BAND3 (€ 4.450,00) 500,00€ 1.000,00€ 1.475,00€ 1.475,00€
INCOME BAND4 (€ 5.100,00) 500,00€ 1.000,00€ 1.800,00€ 1.800,00€
INCOME BAND5 (€ 5.850,00) 500,00€ 1.000,00€ 2.175,00€ 2.175,00€
INCOME BAND6 (€ 6.700,00) 500,00 € 1.000,00€ 2.600,00€ 2.600,00€
First-year students - Academic Year 2024-25
First paymentSecond paymentThird paymentFourth payment
To be paid by 10/09/2024 To be paid by 11/10/2024To be paid by 10/01/2025To be paid by 11/04/2025
500,00€1000,00€950,00€ 950,00€
Out-of-term students
For the payment methods for the single annual student fee for out-of-term students, please contact the administration office in Padua at: segreteria.padova@ciels.it.
Default indemnity A.A. 2024-25
The amount of the compensation is calculated on the basis of the delay with which the payment of the Student Contributions is made, as indicated below: - up to 30 days: €25.00 - from 31 to 60 days: €75.00 - from 61 to 90 days: €100.00 - from 91 to 180 days: €180.00 - over 180 days: €250.00 The contribution for late payment must be paid together with the instalment.
For further information, please contact the administration office in Padua at: segreteria.padova@ciels.it.

Regional Tax for the Right to Education

The amount does not include any activities which the student may request and which are considered optional, non-compulsory and/or not provided for in the study plan.
Students enrolled at the PADUA campus are required to pay the Regional Tax for the Right to Education to ESU Padova.
The Regional Tax is the fee that students are required to pay, in accordance with Legislative Decree no. 68/2012, Law no. 549/1995 and Veneto Region Laws no. 15/1996 and no. 15/2013, at the time of enrollment or registration for each academic year for bachelor courses, single-cycle specialization degree, master’s degree and similar.
Payment of the Regional Tax for the Right to Education is MANDATORY for students enrolled at the CIELS Campus in PADUA.
The amount established by the Veneto Region through the annual DGR approving the “Annual Regional Plan for the implementation of the Right to University Study” for the Academic Year 2024/2025 is € 186.00. To pay the Regional Tax

  1. Log in to the regional Mypay system by selecting the ESU of Padua https://myesupd.dirittoallostudio.it/apps/V3.1/sol/public/
  2. Select “Other payment types” and indicate “DSU Regional Tax”.
  3. Fill in the form by entering your data and the amount for the Academic Year for which you intend to pay the amount (A.A. 2024/2025)
  4. Proceed with the payment step by step, always indicating your personal data.
  5. Send the receipt in .pdf format to: segreteria.padova@ciels.it

The Regional Tax must be paid by 30/09/2024.
For any further specifications: https://www.esu.pd.it/news/tassa-regionale-per-il-diritto-allo-studio/


First-year students - Academic Year 2024-25
Administrative expensesFirst paymentSecond paymentThird payment
* Together with the delivery of the Registration Form To be paid by 11/10/2024 To be paid by 10/01/2025 To be paid by 11/04/2025
INCOME BAND1 (€ 3.600,00) 516,00€ 1.000,00€ + D.S.U. € 140,001050,00€ 1050,00€
INCOME BAND2 (€ 3.950,00) 516,00€ 1.000,00€ + D.S.U. € 140,001.225,00€ 1.225,00€
INCOME BAND3 (€ 4.250,00) 516,00€ 1.000,00€ + D.S.U. € 140,001.375,00€ 1.375,00€
INCOME BAND4 (€ 4.5500,00) 516,00€ 1.000,00€ + D.S.U. € 140,001.525,00€ 1.525,00€
INCOME BAND5 (€ 5.100,00)516,00€ 1.000,00€ + D.S.U. € 140,001.800,00€ 1.800,00€
INCOME BAND6 (€ 5.900,00)516,00€ 1.000,00€ + D.S.U. € 140,002.200,00€ 2.200,00€
INCOME BAND7 (€ 6.700,00)516,00€ 1.000,00€ + D.S.U. € 140,002.600,00€ 2.600,00€
Foreign students516,00€1.000,00€ + D.S.U. € 140,002.600,00€ 2.600,00€
First-year students - Academic Year 2024-25
INCOME BAND ISEEFirst paymentSecond paymentThird paymentFourth payment
To be paid by 10/09/2024 To be paid by 11/10/2024To be paid by 10/01/2025Da versare entro il 11/04/2025
INCOME BAND1 (€ 3.600,00) 500,00€ 1.000,00€ + D.S.U. € 140,001.050,00€ 1.050,00€
INCOME BAND2 (€ 3.900,00) 500,00€ 1.000,00€ + D.S.U. € 140,001.200,00€ 1.200,00€
INCOME BAND3 (€ 4.450,00) 500,00€ 1.000,00€ + D.S.U. € 140,001.475,00€ 1.475,00€
INCOME BAND4 (€ 5.100,00) 500,00€ 1.000,00€ + D.S.U. € 140,001.800,00€ 1.800,00€
INCOME BAND5 (€ 5.850,00) 500,00€ 1.000,00€ + D.S.U. € 140,00v2.175,00€ 2.175,00€
INCOME BAND6 (€ 6.700,00) 500,00€ 1.000,00€ + D.S.U. € 140,002.600,00€ 2.600,00€
First-year students - Academic Year 2024-25
First paymentSecond paymentThird paymentFourth payment
To be paid by 10/09/2024 To be paid by 11/10/2024To be paid by 10/01/2025 To be paid by 12/01/2024 To be paid by 11/04/2025
500,00€ 1.000,00€ + D.S.U. € 140,001.000,00€1.000,00€
Out-of-term students
For payment methods for the single annual student fee for out-of-term students, please contact the Brescia administration office at: segreteria.brescia@ciels.it.
Default indemnity A.A. 2024-25
The amount of the compensation is calculated on the basis of the delay with which the payment of the Student Contributions is made, as indicated below: - up to 30 days: €25.00 - from 31 to 60 days: €75.00 - from 61 to 90 days: €100.00 - from 91 to 180 days: €180.00 - over 180 days: €250.00 The contribution for late payment must be paid together with the instalment.
For further information, please contact the administration office in Padua at: segreteria.brescia@ciels.it.

The amount does not include any activities requested by the student that are considered optional, non-mandatory and/or not included in the study plan.

Gli studenti iscritti presso la sede di BRESCIA sono tenuti al versamento della Tassa Regionale per il Diritto allo Studio Universitario della Regione Lombardia.

Regional Tax for the Right to Education

The Regional Tax for the Right to University Education is due for enrollment in degree courses, specialist degrees, research doctorates and specialization diplomas, with the exception of medical specialization diplomas, at universities, as well as courses at institutions that constitute the system of higher education and specialization in art and music and at higher schools for linguistic mediators, which issue qualifications equivalent to the aforementioned qualifications pursuant to art. 8, letter a), first paragraph, of regional law no. 33 of 13/12/2004.

Payment of the Regional Tax for the Right to University Study is MANDATORY for students enrolled at the CIELS Campus in BRESCIA.

The amount of the DSU Tax for the Lombardy Region for the 2024/2025 academic year is €140.00.


First-year students - Academic Year 2024-25
INCOME BAND ISEEAdministrative expensesFirst paymentSecond paymentThird payment
* Together with the delivery of the Registration Form To be paid by 11/10/2024 To be paid by 10/01/2025 To be paid by 11/04/2025
INCOME BAND1 (€ 3.600,00) 516,00€ 1.000,00€ 1.050,00€ 1.050,00€
INCOME BAND2 (€ 3.950,00) 516,00€ 1.000,00€ 1.225,00€ 1.225,00€
INCOME BAND3 (€ 4.250,00) 516,00€ 1.000,00€ 1.375,00€ 1.375,00€
INCOME BAND4 (€ 4.550,00) 516,00€ 1.000,00€ 1.525,00€ 1.525,00€
INCOME BAND5 (€ 5.100,00) 516,00€ 1.000,00€ 1.800,00€ 1.800,00€
INCOME BAND6 (€ 5.900,00) 516,00€ 1.000,00€ 2.200,00€ 2.200,00€
INCOME BAND 7 (€ 6.700,00) 516,00€ 1.000,00€ 2.600,00€ 2.600,00€
Foreign students 516,00€ 1.000,00€ 2.600,00€ 2.600,00€
First-year students - Academic Year 2024-25
INCOME BAND ISEEFirst paymentSecond paymentThird paymentFourth payment
To be paid by 10/09/2024 To be paid by 11/10/2024 To be paid by 10/01/2025 To be paid by 11/04/2025
INCOME BAND1 (€ 3.600,00) € 500,00€ 1000,001.050,00 € 1.050,00 €
INCOME BAND2 (€ 3.900,00) 500,00 € 1.000,00 € 1.200,00 € 1.200,00 €
INCOME BAND3 (€ 4.450,00) 500,00 € 1.000,00 € 1.475,00 € 1.475,00 €
INCOME BAND4 (€ 5.100,00) 500,00 € 1.000,00 € 1.800,00 € 1.800,00 €
INCOME BAND5 (€ 5.850,00) 500,00 € 1.000,00 € 2.175,00 € 2.175,00 €
INCOME BAND6 (€ 6.700,00) 500,00 € 1.000,00 € 2.600,00 € 2.600,00 €
First-year students - Academic Year 2024-25
First paymentSecond paymentThird paymentFourth payment
To be paid by 10/09/2024 To be paid by 11/10/2024 To be paid by 10/01/2025 To be paid by 11/04/2025
€ 500,001.000,00 € 1.000,00 € 1.000,00 €
Out-of-term students
For details on how to pay the single annual student fee for out-of-term students, please contact the Bologna administration office at: segreteria.bologna@ciels.it.
Default indemnity A.A. 2024-25
The amount of the compensation is calculated on the basis of the delay with which the payment of the Student Contributions is made, as indicated below: - up to 30 days: €25.00 - from 31 to 60 days: €75.00 - from 61 to 90 days: €100.00 - from 91 to 180 days: €180.00 - over 180 days: €250.00 The contribution for late payment must be paid together with the instalment.
For further information, please contact the administration office in Padua at: segreteria.bologna@ciels.it.

Regional Tax for the Right to Education
The amount does not include any activities which the student may request and which are considered optional, non-compulsory and/or not included in the study plan.
Students enrolled at the BOLOGNA campus are required to pay the Regional Tax for the Right to Education to the Regional Agency for the Right to Higher Studies of Emilia-Romagna ERGO.

The Regional Tax for the Right to Education is required for enrolment in bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, PhD and specialization diplomas, with the exception of medical specialization diplomas, of universities, as well as courses of the institutions that are part of the system of higher education and artistic and musical specialization and the higher schools for language mediators, which grant qualifications equivalent to the aforementioned qualifications in accordance with art. 8, letter a), first paragraph, of Regional Law no. 33 of 13/12/2004.
Payment of the Regional Tax for the Right to Education is MANDATORY for students enrolled at the CIELS Campus in BOLOGNA.

As regards the payment of the regional fee, please see the appropriate section on the RER website: https://finanze.regione.emilia-romagna.it/tributi-regionali/tasse/diritto-allo-studio
The deadline for the purposes of benefits for enrolment for A.Y. 24/25 is 30/11/2024
The receipt of payment must be handed in to the administration office.
University Fee Waiver
Students in subsequent years who are eligible for a scholarship, whether assigned or not, are entitled to total exemption from university fees and reimbursement of the regional fee. For information and to apply, visit www.er-go.it.