Fees and contributions – Bachelor’s degree course

How to pay the single annual student fee for the Bachelor’s degree course

As of A.Y. 2023/2024, the amount of the single annual student fee is determined according to the ISEE category.

Information on ISEE ranges, amounts, payment deadlines and further specifications are being constantly updated.
If necessary, please contact the administration office of the relevant campus.

The single annual student fee required for the 2024/2025 academic year may be paid:

  • single solution;
  • contributions in 3 payments;
  • deferred contributions in up to 10 payments.

The amount of the single annual student fee will be determined according to the ISEE value for subsidized benefits for the right to university study.

ISEE is the indicator that reflects the economic-patrimonial situation taking into account income, assets and the size of the household. The ISEE certificate can be requested electronically directly from INPS or a Tax Assistance Centre (“Centro di Assistenza Fiscale” – CAF) or other competent bodies, specifying that the ISEE is required for subsidized benefits for the right to university study. The time required to issue the ISEE varies up to 15 working days from the time the Dichiarazione Sostitutiva Unica (DSU) is submitted.