Erasmus Placement

The possibilities within The Erasmus+ Program – of which Ciels is an active party – aren’t just limited to study mobility alone.
The EU Erasmus+ Project in fact also allows our students to take part in the so-called Erasmus Placement, a scholarship-funded professional traineeship opportunity abroad.
The duration of the funded internship abroad is a minimum of 3 to a maximum of 6 months in the host institution.
Ciels has contacts with partners all over Europe: Translation agencies, cultural institutions and tourism companies, commercial companies and educational institutions. Therefore students can apply to the internship that best suits their professional aspirations.

Erasmus Placement is normally suggested to third-year students, whose language skills are appropriate for a work experience abroad.

Erasmus Placement selection is based on the student’s curriculum, their professional skills and motivation, someone who wants to start facing the challenges of today’s working world in a proper and competitive way.

The International Relations Office organizes two meetings a year to inform students and assist them to write a proper resume, covering letter and to fill in the application form. Students are then invited to apply for their chosen position and wait for a reply from Ciels’ partners. After receiving confirmation from the host institution, the International Relations Office draws up the Training Agreement, which determines the rules for the student’s experience abroad.

Thanks to continuous feedback from our students and monitoring activities from the International Relations Office, we’re able to select foreign partners that best suit our students’ needs.

Not included in the Erasmus+ Placement Program?

Do an internship abroad!