Article 15 of Law 183/2011, which came into force on January 1, 2012, has made some changes to Presidential Decree 445/2000, concerning the TU of legislative and regulatory dispositions on the subject of administrative documentation: in particular, it is stated that ‘Certificates issued by the public administration regarding states, personal qualities and facts are valid and usable only in relations between private individuals. In relations with public administration bodies and public service managers, certificates and deeds of notoriety are always replaced by the declarations referred to in Articles 46 and 47 of Presidential Decree 445/2000’ (self-certifications).

Point 1. Certificates

    • In accordance with Law 183/2011 (2012 Stability Law), the certificates issued by the SSML CIELS are valid and usable only in relations between private individuals and must mandatorily bear a €16.00 duty stamp and the wording: “This certificate may not be produced to public administration bodies or to private managers of public services”.
    • The stamp duty of €16.00 is required for each individual certificate requested;
    • Therefore, each certificate issued by SSML CIELS costs €50.00 (equal to €34.00 administrative expenses for the issue of the document + €16.00 compulsory stamp duty paid by the university);
    • To obtain certificates, it is necessary to fill in the Certificate Request Form on the website www.ciels.it and send it complete with all its parts to the General Administration Office of the relevant campus;
    • When sending the Certificate Request Form it will be compulsory to attach the receipt for the payment of €50.00 for Administrative Expenses.
    • If the student chooses the home delivery method, the receipt for payment of €50.00 (equal to €34.00 administrative expenses for the issue of the document + €16.00 compulsory stamp duty paid by the university) must be attached with the Certificate Request Form;
    • Within 10 working days of receipt of the request, the General Administration Office will produce the certificate.
    • The certificate may be: collected from the general administration office of the relevant institution by appointment;
      • sent to the home address at a cost of €10.00 if the shipment is in Italy or €15.00 if the shipment is abroad.

    The SSML CIELS declines all responsibility for the non-delivery of documents.
    The documents that require the mandatory stamp duty of €16.00 are:

    • Certificate of Enrolment in the Course of Study;
    • Certificate of Leave of Absence;
    • Certificate of Transfer from or to another University;
    • Certificate of withdrawal from studies;
    • Certificate of Application for the Final Examination;
    • Degree Diploma;
    • Academic Career Certificate (Italian and/or English);
    • Certificate of Academic Career with Degree Declaration (Italian and/or English);
    • Certificate of Equivalence of Degree;
    • Certificate of Pre-Graduation Linguistic Competence (Italian and/or English);
    • Certificate of Postgraduate Linguistic Competence (Italian and/or English);
    • Certificate of Submission of Application for Final Examination;
    • Certificate of Enrolment;
    • Certificate of payment of contributions for the calendar year;
    • Certificate of Cautionary Enrolment.
    • Certificate of Study Plan.

    References General Administration Office


Point 2. Diploma Supplement

  • The Diploma Supplement (DS) is a document supplementing the official qualification awarded on successful completion of a course of study at a university or higher education institution. It provides a description of the nature, level, context, content and status of the studies undertaken and completed by the student according to a standard 8-point model developed at the initiative of the European Commission, the Council of Europe and UNESCO. The document is written in Italian and English.
  • Graduates in accordance with the regulations set out in Ministerial Decree 270/04 may request it.
  • To request the Diploma Supplement it is necessary to fill in the request form on the SSML CIELS website www.ciels.it, without a duty stamp.
  • The Diploma Supplement is issued, free of charge, within 10 days of the request.
  • It can be issued in two formats
    • PDF format: it is sent by email as an attachment;
    • paper format, with original stamp and signature: to be collected from the general administration office of the reference center by appointment or sent to the address indicated by the applicant;
    • sent to the domicile at a cost of €10,00 if the shipment is in Italy or €15,00 if the shipment is abroad.

The SSML CIELS declines all responsibility for the non-delivery of the diploma.

Point 3. Self-certifications

  • Self-certifications are divided into declarations in lieu of certification (article 46 of dpr 445/2000) and declarations in lieu of affidavit (article 47 of dpr 445/2000).
  • A declaration in lieu of certification can be used to declare a series of states, personal qualities and facts, expressly provided for by law, in place of normal certifications.
  • It is important to bear in mind that the student is personally responsible for what they state: in the event that the Administration has well-founded doubts as to the truthfulness of what is declared, it is obliged to carry out proper checks and take any necessary measures.
  • Students may download and print out the pre-filled self-certifications themselves from the Scuola Semplice portal
  • These self-certifications pre-filled with the user’s data include:
    • Self-certification of Academic Career (Italian and/or English);
    • Self-certification of Academic Career with Degree Declaration (Italian and/or English);
    • Self-certification of Other Activities (Italian and/or English);
    • Self-certification of enrollment;
    • Self-certification of pre-graduate language level (Italian and/or English);
    • Self-certification of postgraduate Linguistic Level (Italian and/or English);
    • Self-certification of submission of the Degree Application;
    • Self-certification Substitute for Degree (Italian and/or English)
    • Self-certification of Study Plan.