Campus life




The Padua Campus provides students with a cafeteria-canteen service in agreement with Veneto Region and ESU, the Regional Agency for the Right to study. Thanks to these agreements, enrolled students can access these services at any time of the day at extremely competitive and low prices.

Use of this service is regulated by the rules for access to university canteens drawn up annually.

The students participate in the cost of the service according to rates corresponding to certain RANGES on the basis of what they declare by submitting the ISEE Certificazione Sostitutiva Unica, which makes it possible to verify and assess the possession of income requirements. The merit criterion is assessed on the basis of the data provided by Campus CIELS to the Azienda Regionale per il Diritto allo Studio Universitario (ESU – PADOVA).

Students in possession of a personal magnetic badge – CARD (issued by ESU) may have access to all catering establishments, including those affiliated with ESU, as long as these are computerized and allow the user’s data to be recorded.

Students are invited to read carefully the criteria for access to the service relating both the characteristics of the service itself and the Warnings and Penalties



The Brescia campus is located in a modern, recent building, the “Centro Direzionale Tre Torri”. Strategically located and easily accessible by transport, it offers spacious and bright spaces for its students.

The building is designed to be student-friendly with classrooms equipped with technological and high-performance equipment.

To meet the needs of the numerous students, the premises will have new classrooms on the 4th floor, which will allow for more lessons and study spaces.



The new building in Bologna is situated in an extremely convenient location for students. In fact, it is 10 minutes from the station and close to the heart of the city.

There are several residences and flats around the campus for student accommodation. It is also close to a gym, several bars and cafés and many other services.