The Ciels Campus Administrative Regulations contain useful information on enrollment procedures, deadlines and other useful information for students.


Admission to the Three-Year Course of Studies is subject to passing an ADMISSION TEST, in accordance with Ministerial Decree n.38 of 2002 and Ministerial Decree 59 of 2018, held in telematic mode, consisting of the following tests:

  • ENGLISH LANGUAGE – written test: 30 multiple-choice vocabulary-grammar questions in English;
  • SECOND LANGUAGE – written test: 30 questions of a lexico-grammatical nature with multiple answers in a foreign language;
  • ITALIAN LANGUAGE – written test: 20 lexico-grammatical questions in Italian;
  • GENERAL KNOWLEDGE – written test: 10 multiple-choice questions on history, geography, literature, civics, current events; LOGIC – written test: 10 questions.

In order to take the Admission Test, the student is required to pay a secretarial fee of

  • € 60,00 for 1 Language Combination: (First Language ENGLISH – Second Language FOREIGN LANGUAGE – ITALIAN LANGUAGE – GENERAL CULTURE – LOGIC);
  • € 120.00 for 2 Language Combinations: (First ENGLISH Language – Second FOREIGN LANGUAGE – Additional Second FOREIGN LANGUAGE – ITALIAN Language – General knowledge – LOGIC).

The amount of the administrative expenses will not be reimbursed in the event of withdrawal from the Admission Test enrollment, in the event that the result of the admission exam is negative (non-suitability) or in the event of absence from the admission test.


Enrollment is valid until the final academic degree is obtained.

In order to complete enrollment, the student will be required to pay the administrative expenses for enrollment of €516.00 (€500.00 administrative expenses + €16.00 compulsory stamp duty virtually paid by the university).

Subsequently, you will be required to pay the student contributions defined annually by the Board of Directors. Amounts and payment methods are indicated on the website under Fees and Contributions, as well as in the relevant forms.


Students have the right to request a change in the chosen specialization curriculum at the time of enrollment, in accordance with the University Policy and no later than the end of the first semester, by filling the specific forms. The General Administration will decide on acceptance by giving written notice.

The administrative expenses relating to the change of specialization curriculum have to be paid when the application is filed, and are set at € 50.00. Regardless of the outcome of the preliminary investigation, the secretarial fees will not be refunded.


Students have the right to request a change of language of study at the time of enrollment, in accordance with the University Policy and no later than the end of the first semester, filling the specific form. The General Administration will decide on acceptance by giving written notification.

The administrative expenses relating to the change of specialization curriculum have to be paid when the application is filed, and are set at € 50.00. Regardless of the outcome of the preliminary investigation, the secretarial fees will not be refunded.


Students may decide to enrich their course of study by adding a THIRD LANGUAGE.

The languages proposed by CIELS Campus as a third language of study are: ARABIC, CHINESE, RUSSIAN (languages starting from basic level), FRENCH, SPANISH and GERMAN.

The first language (ENGLISH) and the second language have compulsory attendance, while the third language has non-compulsory attendance: therefore, we advise students who intend to undertake the study of a third degree language to include in their Study Plan as a second language the one in which they feel they have a weaker preparation, and as a third language the one in which they are more competent.

In order to enroll in the third language of study, students must submit an annual Third Language enrollment Form and pay the secretarial fees of € 120.00 for French, German and Spanish and € 150.00 for Russian, Arabic and Chinese.

The student may decide to enrich their academic career with the addition of a Basic or Advanced Language Course, if activated for the current academic year.
The basic and advanced courses offered by CIELS Campus are: PORTUGUESE, JAPANESE, KOREAN, EBRAIC and PERSIAN.
The courses have a duration of 36 hours and will be validated within the student’s Academic Career, subject to passing the final exam.
In order to enroll in the basic or advanced language course, the student must submit the enrollment form and pay the secretarial fee of € 150.00.


The student has the right to request a change in the chosen language at the time of enrollment, in accordance with the University Policy and no later than the end of the first semester, using the appropriate form. The Executive Board will decide on acceptance by giving written notice.

Secretarial fees for changing the Language Specialisation Course are set at €50.00.


In order to gain access to the chosen degree session, the student must comply with all the deadlines and delivery methods defined annually by the Degree Office in the Final Examination Regulations and related annexes.

The final document that allows the student to be officially admitted to the chosen graduation session is the Question of Discussion of the Final Examination.

This document must be handed in to the Degree Office by the deadlines indicated for each session in the Final Examination Regulations and only after having completed all the teaching and training activities compulsorily envisaged in the Study Plan and having acquired 174 CFU.

The Application for Discussion of the Final Examination, signed by the Supervisor and Co-Rapporteur, if any, must be hand-delivered or sent by registered mail to the Degree Office, enclosing the following documents:

  1. Document A: email sent by the Degree Office with confirmation of having acquired all the ECTs required to obtain the degree, confirmation of being in compliance with all administrative formalities and presentation mark for the discussion of the final examination.
  2. Document B: Final Examination Proposal Form validated by the Executive Board;
  3. Document C: Nulla Osta with the signature of the advisor and co-advisor (if present);
  4. Document D: Mail of passing the formal verification;
  5. Document E: Receipt of payment of the fee for final examination amounting to € 282.00 relating to:
  • € 250.00 fee for final examination;
  • € 16.00 compulsory stamp duty to be applied to the Degree Application (accomplished by the university);
  • € 16.00 compulsory stamp duty to be applied to the Degree Diploma (accomplished by the university).


After submitting the Application for Final Examination, the relevant documents and the receipt of payment of the Final Examination Fee to the graduate office, if the student fails to graduate in the session indicated in the Application, the Final Examination Fee will not be refunded.

To proceed to the next graduation session, the student must resubmit all the necessary documentation and pay the Final Examination Fee again.


Students may transfer to another university by submitting an application to the General Administration Office of the university in question.

The transfer application must be submitted to the General Administration Office by August 31st of the current academic year.

In order for the transfer application to be accepted, the student must pay the full amount of the Student Contributions due for the current academic year and settle any debts.

The student is required to pay the Transfer Fee of € 116.00 (€ 100.00 transfer fee + € 16.00 compulsory stamp duty paid virtually by the university).

Students wishing to transfer to a degree course with limited enrollment at another university must enclose with their Transfer Application the NULLA OSTA of the university receiving the new enrollment.

The Leave of Absence form containing the transfer student’s career history will be sent by the General Administration Office of CIELS Campus of the reference institution to the University to which the student has declared their intention to transfer.

If the student does not submit the request to transfer to another university with all the required documentation by the end of the current academic year (i.e. by August 31st of the current year), enrollment will be automatically renewed for the new academic year (1 September, the date on which the new academic year begins) and the student will be required to pay the full amount of the student fees set by the Board of Directors for the academic year in question.


Students may transfer from another university by applying to the General Administration Office of their university.

Upon receipt by the General Administration Office of the SSML CIELS of the leave form issued by the university of origin, the student is required to complete his or her administrative formalities within 10 days of receipt of the leave form by the General Administration Office, in order to ensure the regular execution of teaching activities.

Students are required to pay the full amount of the Student Contributions due for the academic year in which they wish to enroll, in accordance with the deadlines and procedures notified by the General Administration Office.

Payment of the Regional Fee for the Right to University Studies is not due if the University from which one is transferring for the same academic year is in the same Region.

Students who have earned credits during a previous academic career may submit the appropriate form for approval by 31/12 of the current academic year.

The assessment of the previous academic career and any validation of credits is free of charge.


A student may request an internal transfer to one of the SSML CIELS campuses by applying to the General Administration Office.
The internal transfer application for a new academic year may be submitted by 31 August of the current academic year (end date of the academic year);
An application for internal transfer can only be accepted if the student is up to date with the payment of student contributions on the date the application is submitted.
Acceptance of an application for internal transfer is subject to the number of places available at the place of entry.

It will be the responsibility of the Teaching Office of the outgoing location to forward a copy of the Academic Career Certificate to the new Teaching Office. It will not be required for the student to request validation of previous ECTS credits as validation between SSML CIELS campuses is automatic.

The student must pay the Internal Transfer Fee of € 116,00 (€ 100,00 transfer fee + € 16,00 compulsory stamp duty paid virtually by the university).

The institutional badge and email address remain unchanged.


Suspension of Studies is the possibility to interrupt studies for a single Academic Year due to a declared and justified reason. During the period of suspension it is not permitted to carry out any career actions such as, for example, taking examinations, changing one’s Study Address or Study Languages, applying for recognition of educational activities, studying abroad with the Erasmus programme or obtaining a final degree.

It is possible to suspend studies for a maximum period of three academic years, even if not consecutive.

The student must submit the Suspension Request Form to SSML CIELS for each year in which they intend to suspend their academic career.

The student must submit a request for Suspension of Studies from July 1st to August 31st of the current academic year.

In order to apply for suspension, it is necessary to be up to date with payments for previous years.

During the suspension period, the student is not required to pay the student contribution and the fee for the right to study relating to the suspended career.

Upon resumption of studies, the student is required to pay the suspension fee of € 500.00 per year for each year of suspension requested.

The application for Suspension of Studies, properly filled in and signed, must be submitted to the General Administration Office of the place of reference together with the receipt for the suspension fee of € 116.00 (€ 100.00 relating to the suspension fee + € 16.00 relating to the compulsory stamp duty paid virtually by the university) by the end of the current academic year (31 August) and the relevant attachments.

If the student does not formalize the application for Suspension of Studies with all the necessary documentation by the end of the current academic year (i.e. by 31 August of the current year), enrollment will be automatically renewed for the new academic year (1 September, the date on which the new academic year begins) and the student will be required to pay the full amount of the student fees set by the Board of Directors for the academic year in question.


The student may irrevocably declare, at any time during his or her university career, that they wish to withdraw from continuing the studies undertaken, upon presentation of the relevant Form at the General Administration Office of the relevant campus.

Renunciation of studies is irrevocable, unconditional and terminates the student’s university career at the CIELS Campus.

The withdrawing student is required to pay the student fees for the current academic year and to regularize any debt positions; they are also required to pay the withdrawal contribution of € 116.00 (€ 100.00 relative to the withdrawal contribution + € 16.00 relative to the compulsory stamp duty paid virtually by the university) by the end of the current academic year (31 August) and the relative attachments.

The student will be given a receipt of withdrawal from studies and the Academic Career Statement only after payment of the full amount of student fees for the current academic year.

The renouncing student, who is not in order with the payment of student contributions, cannot be issued with certificates relating to his or her previous and regularly completed academic career and the withdrawal receipt.

After the withdrawal from studies, it will no longer be possible to use the CIELS SSML teaching services, e-learning platforms and administrative services, with the exception of the issue of certificates relating to studies completed.

Renunciation does not preclude the possibility of re-enrollment. Examinations passed before the withdrawal remain recorded, may be certified and may be the subject of a request for recognition.

If the student does not formalize the application for withdrawal of studies with all the necessary documentation by the end of the current academic year (i.e. by August 31st of the current year), enrollment will be automatically renewed for the new academic year (September 1st, the date on which the new academic year begins) and the student will be required to pay the full amount of the student fees set by the Board of Directors for the academic year in question.


The issue of a duplicate university badge requires the payment of a fixed fee of € 10.00. The issue of a duplicate of the original degree diploma (‘diploma pergamena’) requires the payment of a fixed fee of € 116.00 (€ 100 secretarial fee + € 16.00 compulsory stamp duty paid virtually by the university).


Enrollment in the second and third years of the Bachelor’s Degree Course of Studies and in the second year of the Master’s Degree Course of Studies does not require the submission of any enrollment forms for subsequent years.

Enrollment in the second and third year of the Bachelor’s Degree Course in Language Mediation (L-12) and in the second year of the Master’s Degree Course (LM-94) is automatically renewed with the start of the new academic year (September 1st).

Students will be required to pay the Student Contributions for the relevant years, according to the deadlines and amounts that will be published on the website and on the Moodle platform.

On the 1st September of the new academic year, if the student decides to transfer to another university or to withdraw from studies, theywill be required to pay the full amount of the student fees set annually by the CDA for the academic year just begun.


If the student, at the end of the three-year period for the Bachelor’s Degree Course of Study and at the end of the two-year period for the Master’s Degree Course of Study, has not got the Final Degree, they will acquire the status of Outside Prescribed Time Student.

A student who does not intend to acquire the status of Outside Prescribed Time, in order to get the final degree must present all the required documentation of Withdrawal from Studies by August 31st of the 3rd year of the Bachelor’s Degree course for the Bachelor’s Degree course and by August 31st of the 2nd year of the Master’s Degree course for the Master’s Degree course.

On that date (August 31st), the new academic year will begin (September 1st), and the student will therefore be enrolled in the new academic year by automatic renewal.

The student will therefore be required to formalize their position by completing the Formalisation Form for Outside Prescribed Time Student Status, procedures for the attendance of lessons, university services and related student contributions.

The student will also be required to pay the full amount of student fees for the new academic year

The contribution fee for students who acquire the Outside-prescribed-time status is equal to the amount of the student contribution established for their final year (Third Year for the Bachelor’s Degree Course of Study and Second Year for the Master’s Degree Course of Study).

This amount does not include the Right to Study Fee.

In order to know the exact amount of the student fees, it will be necessary to contact the General Administration Office of the relevant Campus.


According to the Director’s Communication no. 02 of August 21st, 2023 on self-certifications and certifications, students and former students may request self-certifications on plain, non-headed paper free of charge from the Teaching Office.

For certifications on headed paper, on the other hand, they will have to make a request using the appropriate form – available on Moodle and on the website – and send it by email to the General Administration Office of the relevant campus.

For the certificate to be issued, the student must be up to date with the payment of student fees.

Each certificate requested has a cost of € 34.00 relating to Secretarial Fees + € 16.00 relating to the compulsory stamp duty paid virtually by the university.

The payment receipt must be attached to the Certificate Request Form.

The certificate, once produced,

  • may be collected from the General Administration Office
  • sent to the home address at a cost of €10.00 if the shipment is in Italy €15.00 if the shipment is abroad.


For students with disabilities, there is a reduction in contributions of the total annual amount of student fees excluding administrative expenses.

To benefit from the reduction in fees, students with disabilities must apply to the General Administration Office for the Disability Fee Reduction Form and attach the required documentation at the time of enrollment for students in their first year and by September 30th of the current academic year for students renewing their enrollment for subsequent years.

The request cannot be retroactive and must be renewed annually.


For students belonging to the same family unit who enroll in the same course year in the same academic year, there is a contribution reduction of the total annual amount of student contributions, excluding secretarial fees.

In order to benefit from the reduction in contributions, the student must apply to the General Secretariat for the Reduction in Family Contributions Form and attach the required documentation at the time of enrollment for students in their first year and by September 30th of the current academic year for students renewing their enrollment for subsequent years.

The request cannot be retroactive and must be renewed annually.