Specialized and sectoral translation

Place of attendance: Brescia

Duration: 2 years

Language: Italian, English

Credits: 120

This course aims to train experts in the most important and up-to-date translation techniques in highly specialized sectoral fields.

The objective is to train future professional translators, able to transfer the content of translated texts with accuracy and high quality at any level and difficulty required, developing communicative skills in at least two foreign languages to be used within contexts that require a specific top-quality professional performance.

Through workshop practice, documentary and terminology research will be perfected, working on style, revision, adaptation and textual pragmatics, applying it to various cultural, advertising and editorial products as well as medical-scientific and legal-diplomatic contexts.

Communicative mastery in the two foreign languages is strengthened by a complete training activity that aims to develop the figure of the expert translator capable of recognising, analyzing, understanding and translating editorial, cultural, tourist, advertising, technical, medical, legal and other specialized texts.

The activities carried out in the classroom, which are extremely professionalizing, complete the preparation by enriching and intensifying the expert’s professional style through practical experiences aimed at consolidating technical and technological skills, deepening documentary research and implementing all the practices useful for managing the professional situations in which the translator is called upon to operate.

Emphasis will also be placed on the ethical and deontological aspects that characterize the translator’s profession.

The specialization address will only be activated when there are at least 10 students.

The curricula, including laboratory activities, may be subject to updates, from year to year, in relation to the teaching autonomy set out according to DM 270/2004 and subsequent decrees.

Career opportunities


Proofreader of specialized texts – Medical-health translator – Editorial translator – Advertising translator – Newspaper translator