Institutional, Diplomatic, Congressional Conference Interpreting

Place of attendance: Padua

Duration: 2 years

Language: Italian, English

Credits: 120

This course aims to train experienced professionals in the most important and up-to-date interpreting techniques in situations such as congresses, conferences , meetings and national and international institutional summits.

The final goal is the development of communication, translating and interpreting skills in at least two foreign languages, being able to communicate and mediate with a target of different cultures, understanding their characteristics, habits and context.

The practical exercises within dedicated language workshops improve the expert’s professional approach through practical experiences aimed at consolidating their skills in communicative approach, performance style and execution in terms of absolute control and total mastery of professional situations.


The communicative fluency in the two foreign languages strengthened by transversal training activities completes the figure of the consecutive and simultaneous interpreting expert who is able to work within political, diplomatic and institutional situational contexts perfected by socio-cultural, economic, political, legal and psychological skills.

The extremely professionalising workshop activities complete the preparation by enriching and strengthening the expert’s professional style through practical experiences aimed at consolidating practical activities, the performative approach and style, and communicative execution in terms of absolute control and total mastery of the professional situations in which the interpreter is called upon to operate.

The specialization address will only be activated when there are at least 10 students.

The curricula, including laboratory activities, may be subject to updates, from year to year, in relation to the teaching autonomy set out according to DM 270/2004 and subsequent decrees.

Career opportunities


Embassy interpreter – Conference project manager – Business and events interpreter – Interpreter for trade fair, entertainment and sports events