Dubbing, Multimedia Communication Translation

Place of attendance: Padua, Brescia, Bologna

Duration: 3 years

Language: Italian, English

Credits: 180

The Dubbing, Multimedia Communication & Translation course aims to teach the fundamental techniques for translation and dubbing useful for communicating effectively in any multimedia context.

The study of languages ​​from a technical perspective to be able to deal effectively in the world of media will be accompanied by studies related to the correct use of voice and diction through breathing, phonetics, synchronization between voice, texts and video.

It is a course that starts from the understanding and translation of texts, but continues by guiding its students in the study and practice of the different phases of processing a text of audiovisual products such as TV series and films, podcasts, documentaries, video games and cartoons.

The workshops aim to consolidate the drafting and translation part, but also the sound and expressive part of the voice thanks to in-depth studies of diction, acting and lots of practice in the dubbing room working on different multimedia products.

During the three years, we will study how to adapt a text, but also how to build increasingly complex editorial products for increasingly different and evolving targets, training the skills of writing, comprehension and effective use of the voice.

The professional who will be trained will have to know how to re-propose the deep meaning of the texts, know how to synchronize them in rhythm and lip movements and bring to life the emotions expressed by the original voices in the dubbing room, or otherwise compose impactful texts for the listener by producing new multimedia products.

The training course therefore aims to guide its students in the study of genres and in the practice of the different stages of processing a text of audiovisual products such as TV series and films, podcasts, documentaries, video games and cartoons, providing the techniques necessary to master writing skills, text adaptation and voice and enter the world of work.

For the three-year course of study in Dubbing, Multimedia Communication & Translation, only the language programme in Language and Translation (LT) – A is provided.

The curricula, including laboratory activities, may be subject to updates, from year to year, in relation to the teaching autonomy established according to DM 270/2004 and subsequent decrees.

Career opportunities


Multimedia Editor – Content localization specialist – Translation manager – Speaker – Cinema and TV dubbing artist – Audiovisual translator