Audiovisual Translation, dubbing, theory and technique, texts adaptation and subtitling

Place of attendance: Padua

Duration: 2 years

Language: Italian, English

Credits: 120

The course in Audiovisual Translation, Dubbing Theory and Technique, Text Adaptation and Subtitling aims to teach all the techniques of translation, documentary and terminology research, and dubbing, as well as the foundations of interpersonal communication.

The main objective is the development of those abilities to mediate the work with the target language in full respect of its original essence. It will start from the study of different genres up to the production of films, TV series and various audiovisual products for cinema, TV, theatre. You will acquire the ability to internalize the product culturally and return it to the right target, considering its habits and customs and using a language not only translated but adapted to the context.

The workshops allow you to practice both the part of drafting and translating the profound sense of the text, and the sound, vocal and expressive part with in-depth studies on diction and acting, including the activity of adaptation in its entire process.


Language, elements and sounds are delivered through a process that starts with the translation, continues with the adaptation of the script and ends with the dubbing of the entire film. These three phases are carried out by the translator/adaptor of the dialogues, who is in charge of re-proposing the deeper meaning of the text, in adherence to the rhythmic and lip synchronism, and by the dubbing actor, who is in charge of bringing to life in each line, the emotions expressed by the actor in the original language.

The training course aims at guiding its students in the study of genres and in the practice of the processing phases of audiovisual products such as TV series, cartoons, films, documentaries, providing the technical knowledge necessary to enter the working world.

The specialization address will only be activated when there are at least 10 students.

The curricula, including laboratory activities, may be subject to updates, from year to year, in relation to the teaching autonomy set out according to DM 270/2004 and subsequent decrees.

Career opportunities:


Dubbing technician, Subtitling assistant, audio-visual translator, dialogue adapter, Language editor