Scientific research in anthropology and sociology is essential for understanding cultural and social dynamics. Anthropology studies different cultures, promoting intercultural understanding and preserving cultural heritage. Sociology analyzes social structures and change, providing crucial knowledge to address inequalities and develop effective policies. Together, these disciplines help build a more inclusive and aware society, improving collective well-being and promoting social justice.
The idea and the need to create the “Rivista Italiana di Antropologia Applicata – Analisi dei Processi Socioculturali nella società contemporanea” originate from the need to make the results of research and studies in the sociocultural field easily accessible and widely spread. The studies and research will not, however, be the only publications in the journal; in fact, the journal itself is designed to be a meeting place and forum for all scholars in the field. It is hoped that this socio-anthropological comparison, set within a multidisciplinary and multifactorial perspective, which allows for the development of approaches to the analysis of cultural contexts, will be a starting point of new research and study initiatives. Reflections with the various specialists in the field make it possible to put forward study proposals and achieve results through lived experience and interpretation of the inevitable change of society and the relationship that man creates through his social ties with it. The scientific project therefore aims to converge on strategic objectives through the acquisition of interpretative models applied to realities, to individual contexts, and to people to their most total social and cultural manifestations. The frequency of the issues is six-monthly, with ‘Special Issues’ designed to disseminate the results achieved at the end of the various ongoing projects, or in the event of particular contingencies. There is also an ‘Open Column’ aimed at receiving free contributions of particular scientific relevance.

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