Berti Mauro



After training at the Technical Institute for Surveyors in Trento, which stopped in the last year due to a serious family bereavement, he joined the State Police in September 1982 in the ordinary roles; In 1987 he was transferred to the Postal and Communications Police in Trento, and in the year 1992 I became part of the Judicial Police Squad; In 1999 participated in the construction of the Internet Monitoring Office; In 2001 moved to the role of Superintendents; In 2001 took responsibility for the Internet Monitoring Office; In 2006 helped create the Pedophilia Investigation Office of which I was given responsibility; In 2017 the office took responsibility for investigations in the area of Cyberbullying; In 2019 moved to the role of Inspectors. Teaching activities:

  • Lecturer at the University of Milan – Faculty of Law in the course Computer Forensic and Digital Investigations 2011 – 2012 (Milan);
  • Lecturer at the Salesian University Institute Venice (IUSVE) at the interdisciplinary university Master’s Degree Level I in Criminology, Investigative Psychology and Forensic Psychopedagogy – ninth edition June (Venice) 2019;
  • Lecturer at the Salesian University Institute Venice (IUSVE) at the interdisciplinary university Master’s Degree Level I in Criminology, Investigative Psychology and Forensic Psychopedagogy – tenth edition June (Venice) 2021;
  • Lecturer at the Salesian University Institute of Venice (IUSVE) Verona Campus, academic year 2021/22 Undergraduate/Master’s Degree Course in Clinical-Judicial Psychology, teaching Cyber Crime;
  • Teaching at multiple high schools in Trentino Alto Adige, from 2002 to 2021 in topics related to the conscious use of modern communication technologies;
  • Speaker at conventions and conferences on behalf of the State Police;
  • Speaker at conventions and conferences in educational activities related to his own publications;
  • Presented to Europol members an investigation of its Office on pedophilia, at the headquarters of Europol, of The Hague – Netherlands 2008;
  • Presentation of the book Generation Cloud at the 2013 Turin International Book Fair;
  • Presentation of the book Cyberbullying at the 2017 Turin International Book Fair;
  • Cyberbullying book presentation at the Milan Book Fair Tempo di Libri Milano 2018;

Training path developed over the past 20 years:

  • EPPO – European Public Prosecutor’s Office;
  • High Info – telematics investigation (Univ. Tor Vergata Rome 2003);
  • Innocent Images Task Foece F.B.I. (Roma 2010);
  • Formation of Computer Evidence (Rome);
  • Evolution of Technologies in the Activities of Countering Pedophilia On – Line (Nettuno Rome);
  • Introduction to GNU Linux (Rome);
  • Telematic Artery Control (Genoa);
  • The Forensic Sciences of Supporting Investigations (Bolzano Vicentino Vicenza);
  • Course on Investigative Methodologies and Intelligence against Pedo – Pornography On – Line (Rome);
  • Digital Image Forensic (Roma);
  • Procedures for Analysis, Archiving and Classification of Pedo – Pornographic Material and Victim Identification. LTU Image Sekeer System (Cesena);
  • Countering Abusive Access to Information Systems (Cesena);
  • Computer Forensic between Technology Evolution and Legal Revolution (Brescia);
  • Countering Pedophilia (Rome);
  • Communicating Through the Internet (Bolzano);
  • Knowing the Internet (Bolzano);
  • Vulnerability of Information Systems (Rome);
  • Skills Needed for Network Control (Trent);
  • In-depth Activities in Specialty Subjects (Naples);
  • Investigations in Sexual Abuse of Minors (Scotland Yard) (Treviglio Bergamo);
  • Forensic Smartphone Android Analysis (Bolzano);
  • On – Line Sexual Abuse, Research and Investigative Practice (Scotland Yard) (Albettone Vicenza);
  • The development of abuse investigation techniques in the UK and Online sexual abuse: research and practice with Scotland Yard (Bergamo);
  • “Pedophilia: victims tell their stories (Gorle Bergamo);
  • “Media and Minors” social policies for conscious use of old and new media technologies (Trent);
  • Effective communication (Cesena);
  • “Undercover Investigations on the Darknet Network” to Combat Online Child Pornography (Rome);
  • “Minors and Digital Violence. Responsibilities, opportunities and risk prevention” (Bolzano);
  • Bitcoin and the Dark Web paolo Dal Checco (Bolzano);
  • Cogito Intelligence Platform The Semantic Analysis in the Web (Cesena);
  • Communication by the Police Force, in different scenarios, between the right to report and investigative confidentiality (Peschiera del Garda Verona);
  • The proper use of Social Media by members of the Police Force (Peschiera del Garda Verona);
  • Online child pornography (Cesena);
  • Hubstream Intelligence Training (Nettuno Roma);
  • Analisi fonti aperte su Internet OSINT (Bolzano)


  • Generation Cloud. Parenting in the Time of Smartphones and Tablets, Publisher Centro Studi Erickson – Series Understanding with the Heart – Release Date:09/01/2013, EAN:9788859001614;
  • Comprehensive Guide for Parents, Kids and Teachers, Reverdito Publisher – Popular Psychology Series – Release date 27/01/2017, COD: ISBN 978-88-342-0035-3;
  • Look me up on Instagram. Between Big Data, Loneliness and Hyperconnectedness, Publisher Centro Studi Erickson – Understanding with the Heart Series – Release date:20/09/2019, COD:ISBN 978-88-342-0066-7;
  • Pro-Ana (Chapter Anorexia Amplified in Virtuality), Reverdito Publisher – Popular Psychology Series – Release Date 18/06/2020, COD: ISBN 978-88-342-0091-9
  • #IORESTOACASA… and how do I do it?; Reverdito Publisher – Popular Psychology Series – Release Date 03/04/2020; ASIN B086QYZL8S