“Lo Scatto di Giotto” and its French traslation by Ciels

“Lo Scatto di Giotto” is the exhibition – inaugurated on October 28th, 2023 – that tells the story of the Scrovegni Chapel through the photographs that immortalise it from the beginning to the present day

Translating an art exhibition for tourists in your own city?

This is what our students have achieved as a project within the French translation course for the exhibition ‘Lo Scatto di Giotto’. The exhibition is at the Museo Eremitani in Padua, and was organised by the Musei Civici, Biblioteca Civica and the World Heritage Office of the City of Padua.

The exhibition, which will be open until 07 April 2024, narrates the evolution of photography through the shots taken, from the very beginning of the Scrovegni Chapel, an artistic masterpiece by the Florentine master and a symbol of the city of Padua.

Guided by Professor Magali Boureux, the students analysed the poster and translated it in order to help French-speaking visitors discover the importance of the photography and UNESCO heritage that is the subject of the exhibition.

A concrete opportunity to put their study into practice and realise a project with an impact on city life.

A way to test oneself in one of the many fields of application of translation. As it will be for all freshmen who from next year will begin the Applied Intercultural Linguistic Mediation course