Ciels Campus: study languages and specialize for your dreams job

The new Ciels Campus campaign is out, discussing the endless possibilities for its students to specialize in the job they want.

Studying languages, in today’s globalized world, is essential, but it is not enough for all the challenges that the ever-changing international market now demands.
Specializing your future with a course in one of the fields most in demand on the market is the best way to open yourself up to a variety of opportunities.

Criminology, marketing, management, diplomacy, tourism, intercultural mediation and dubbing are the possibilities offered by the new Ciels Campus campaign. The peacock, the university’s historical symbol of change, evolution, wealth, becomes an emblematic reference in highlighting a world of infinite possibilities available to students who choose to attend the Campus.

Ciels Campus, founded in Padua in 2010, immediately understood the transformations of the market and the need for versatile and multidisciplinary professionals. In fact, it was the first campus in Italy to offer specializations in different fields, in addition to the study of 2 to 3 languages, by including them from the first year.

It is through specialization that students who choose Ciels Campus can differentiate themselves in the working environment, enhancing their skills symbolized by the open tail of the peacock. Practical workshops, professional lecturers in the relevant sector, programmes that are always up-to-date with the present, training internships in various specific settings: all this and much more allows students not only to study theory, but to complete a tailor-made course that allows them to specialize and stand out in their professional and personal future.

In an ever-changing world, Ciels Campus prepares the professionals of the future.