Language Mediation Curricula: LT and LTI

Ciels Campus offers 2 different Language Mediation curricula: Language and Translation (LT) and Language, Translation and Interpreting (LTI)

CIELS Campus offers 2 different Language Mediation curricula: Language and Translation (LT) and Language, Translation and Interpreting (LTI)

Each of these curricula offer a different course programme. Both of the courses will teach the modules of Language, Translation and Dialogue interpretation (the type of oral translation between two parties in a specific context) which students must attend both for the English language and the Second language.

Together with these modules, the curriculum Language and Translation (LT) includes very specific workshops which help students to skillfully deal with typical professional situations as Interpreters or Translators.

The curriculum Language, Translation and Interpreting will focus more on oral translation skills and introduces students to the Consecutive Interpreting, in which the speaker and the interpreter alternate. To use this interpreting technique, developing an effective note-taking technique is necessary for the Interpreter to perform a good interpretation.

Both of these curricula include an active study of the language, practical written and oral exercises and roleplays, i.e. simulations of real and concrete professional situations, one of the main teaching methods at Ciels.

During their three-year degree course, students develop passive translation skills, translating from the foreign language into Italian, but also Active translation skills, from Italian into the foreign language. Furthermore, students who are interested in Simultaneous conference interpreting can learn the fundamentals in a dedicated laboratory as an optional course unit.

Here is an example of how a Language Mediation course divides into the 2 curricula LT and LTI. Every year students attend at least 2 Language mediation modules: one for the English language, which earns you 15 ECTs, and a second one for a foreign language of your choice, for a total of 30 ECTs per year.

Year 1


Language and Translation (LT)

Language, Translation and Interpretation (LTI)

Language Mediation 15 Language Contrastive Analysis and Introduction to Translation Dialogue Interpreting Workshops Language Contrastive Analysis and Introduction to Translation Dialogue Interpreting Introduction to Interpreting Passive Consecutive Interpreting

Year 2


Language and Translation (LT)

Language, Translation and Interpretation (LTI)

Language mediation 15 Language Passive Translation Dialogue Interpreting Workshops Language Passive Translation Dialogue Interpreting Passive Consecutive Interpreting Active Consecutive Interpreting

Year 3


Language and Translation (LT)

Language, Translation and Interpretation (LTI)

Language mediation 15 Active Translation Passive Translation Dialogue Interpreting Workshops Active Translation Passive Translation Dialogue Interpreting Passive Consecutive Interpreting Active Consecutive Interpreting

For the Arabic, Chinese and Russian languages, (which are studied from a basic level), the Study Plan provides a greater number of Language teaching hours during the 1st year, while the courses of Dialogue and Passive Consecutive Interpretation are introduced starting from the 2nd year. 


Students who want, can study a Third Language choosing among those activated, by attending all of its Language Mediation modules (15 ECTs per year). The Japanese and Portuguese languages are instead studied as a Single course unit: these teachings include a 30-hours/year module (6 ECTs), not the Language Mediation modules.