Open School – Open Visit

Open School – In your school

Ciels Campus comes to visit you! In addition to Open days on site, Ciels comes to your school to let high school students know about its educational offer, giving them the opportunity to get to know its opportunities. The Orientation Office will show the campus, its courses and will explain how to enroll ant the financial aid Ciels make available for students. Following the presentation,the Orientation Manager will be available to answer any question students have and to book an in-site individual interview, , in modo tale da potere visitare anche strutture e laboratori. Talvolta sarà possibile organizzare dei
so as to be able to visit facilities and laboratories. Sometimes it will also be possible to organize training
workshops to give interested students an idea about the topics studied here..

The orientation session is always available during the year upon reservation with the orientation manager.

The illustrative material will be periodically transmitted to schools’ principals and teachers responsible for the orientation to make it available for students and families with its latest news and updates.


Open visit – come see our campus with your school

Ciels Campus opens its doors!

Come to see our 3 schools with events dedicated to all high schools interested in learning more about what Ciels offers. It is an opportunity to explore our educational offer but also the facilities and the services dedicated to future students, who can visit the classrooms, laboratories, student areas and breathe the air of our campuses.